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Tuesday 21 August 2012
Ever had this terrible feeling of wanting to say something to express how you feel but words just seem to fail you? Or when you have lots of things to say but you do not know how to phrase it in the right way? Well, almost everyone feels that from time to time but what can you do to overcome it?

To me, nothing can be done. You can memorise the entire dictionary of vocabulary or phrases but none will fit how you feel inside because the feelings are mixed from happiness to sorrow to anger. Your feelings are like a bowl of mixed salad. Words and phrases can only describe one of the many feelings but it can never give you a perfect description.

The best way to express how you feel? Start from what had made you feel what you feel to what you really feel like doing... Everything can be felt through what you say, for example, "She took my stuff without permission" can show that you are angry and "I have no idea how to face them" can show that you are guilty, upset or angry.

However, we don't have to put everything in words.. Sometimes, body language is the perfect language for people to understand you.

bittersweet - 00:45

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Hello people! I know exams are around the corner and you guys must be very stressful! My heart goes out to you and here is some tips for you!

Are you someone who gets easily distracted with all the technology around you? Will you go to twitter or face book every 5 minutes? Is the Internet on your mind for 24/7? Does everything you study flies out of your mind all the time? Your mind blanks out when you see the exam paper? The questions looks like "The apple cost 16 socks, a tree takes 6 years to grow, 5 badminton rackets were used, Kitty got back 7 marbles?"

Well, stop getting discouraged, get encourage! Tidy up your study table into a constructive study area. People say that a tidy working areas gives the mood to study! Make sure the area is well lit up! Plan your time properly, make a certain timing your time to study, for example : 7pm to 10pm. Paste your goals in front of your table or somewhere very visible. Have a study rule, for example : Study for 10 hours every week. It doesn't have to be just sitting down and memorising, make it interesting by doing practises, writing notes, chunking notes and memorising it.

Memorising sucks? Can't even memorise your own phone number? Try these methods!
- Eating the greens!
- Move your eyes from left to right!
- Repeating it aloud!
- Taking the stairs daily!
- Chunking the list of things to memorise!
- Draw diagrams!
- Breathe deep!
- Limit the telly time!
- Drink in moderation!
- Die - die - memorise! -.-

What is the Do and Don't?

Listen in class and reflect on what the teacher has taught after school, plan study dates with friends. Communicative studies are better than quiet studies because it enters your brain easier, for example, when you listen to music and sing it along, doesn't the lyrics enter your mind so naturally? It's because you kept repeating it aloud, if you repeat your notes or important points aloud and discuss with a friend, a smarter friend, you can actually remember it like you knew it since you were a toddler! Writing notes is a merit when it comes to studying. Notes are not point form that is directly copied from textbook to notebook but translated with your own word through your own understanding! Mind maps! Keep drawing mind maps, mind maps makes a good summary at the end of your revision for that certain chapter! Lock your phone away! Do you guys notice how it is easier to focus on the red words then the black? Make your notes colourful, it keeps you focused! Of course, don't forget about practising! Last of all, keep what you highlight limited! You do not have to highlight the linking words, just highlight what is important. For example, if you are asked to highlight only 6 words for this sentence "Choosing the right assessment book is important in scoring well, a good assessment book help you to come in contact with all type of questions!", what would you highlight?

For me, i would highlight 5 words "assessment book","important", "all" and "questions" because the rest are either linking words or words that are not important! Why is assessment book important? It has all questions. What has all questions? Assessment book has all questions.

Never do your work in front of the computer or television, you will only find yourself distracted. Try to not procastinate, when it is time to do your work, do it. Do not allow yourself to give yourself any excuses to put your devices near you and never text someone when doing your work. Homework and revision is different, homework is done because it is given but revision is done because you want to. If you revise continuously, give yourself a small break as an award but if you only complete your homework, you are only doing something you ought to do! Do not pull a all nighter just because you think sleep is a waste of time, without sleep and rest, your body will never work well even if you tried very methods on earth. Do not set a long period of break or include tuition as a form of revision. Never allow yourself to think about sleep until you are brain dead because the more you think about it, the more you will tend to sleep! Don't forget to take a few slips of water, it helps the brain to work faster!

Alright, i am going to dig out a clean and tidy spot in my house and rule it with my thick books of assessment! Let's work hard together and score well!

bittersweet - 06:31

Monday 30 July 2012

There are many types of friends in our lifes, one of the many are friends with double face. You just don't know which face to slap. On one side, they can be complimenting you and sucking up to you but on the other, they will be bitching all about you..

How to deal with such double faces? First of all, never share your secrets to them and listen to whatever they say because the lesser you speak, the lesser they can bitch. Secondly, let the world be the judge. The more you fight back to them, the more "innocent" they would seem to be. Let them speak of all they want but the others will know the truth as long as you do not degrade yourself and become what they say you are. Thirdly, avoid them. Don't hang out with them that often. Smile at them when you see them though, make it a game of who can be a better hyprocrite.

bittersweet - 05:23

Bittersweet lady.
She needs a love that last forever.
He asked her, "Bitter or sweet?" and she replies, "Bittersweet."
If you saw a girl waiting for someone on the side walk,
would you please get her to go home?
She forgot her name, she forgot the dates.
She's just waiting for the one that she loves.
She forgot how to speak, she forgot how to move.
She stayed there waiting, all day all night.
Yet he never comes.
He left her hanging, on the side walk waiting.
Cruel little darling, how could you bear,
to leave her all alone?
Even the sky's crying.
So if you see her,
don't leave her all alone.
Bring her home.
"Bring her home."((:
There is a girl who prayed for her love to love her back.
Her wish came true that day but a devil took her love away.
She misses him a lot.

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